Yuelian Hong

on final & not-so final resting places

During our visit to the U.S. back in June, Ulrich and I took the opportunity to visit two cemeteries: one in Maryland where my father is buried, and the other in New York where Amy is buried.

The "Un"-ness of Home

“That’s so un-Taiwanese,” my sister said, shaking her head and sticking her tongue out. My cheeks quivered as I smiled back; I hoped she hadn’t seen me wince through the grainy façade of our video call.

the layers of my procrastination

Dear reader, I know what you’re thinking: I am a terrible procrastinator. I have talked for years about writing my book but as far as you can tell, there’s been no

Scenes from our last dinner in Manhattan

Ulrich and I recently returned from a trip to New York City, where we’d spent a week sightseeing with his daughter Anneliese in celebration of her Abiturabschluss (high school diploma).