Yuelian Hong

An encounter with the artist

Ulrich and I discovered our first ghost during our second week in Wuppertal*. We were on a late afternoon walk after Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) at a nearby café. “Ooooooh, look!

we were teenagers (cause = time)

I was twelve and you were fourteen. A mop of dirty blond hair grazed the tops of your hazel-green eyes, your black rectangle glasses resting sideways on your nose.

Every tree trunk looks like Gettysburg

Lately, on walks, I’ve been struck by the quiet violence endured by trees. Some slow, lurching force has boiled up from their hearts, erupted onto their bark, leaving cracks.   Some cracks are

what is a real friend?

one of my first friends was vicky, a chubby chinese-american girl with pigtails who my mom babysat after school each day. she would ride the bus home with me and spend 1 or