
Essays, observations + reflections

the layers of my procrastination

Dear reader, I know what you’re thinking: I am a terrible procrastinator. I have talked for years about writing my book but as far as you can tell, there’s been no

Scenes from our last dinner in Manhattan

Ulrich and I recently returned from a trip to New York City, where we’d spent a week sightseeing with his daughter Anneliese in celebration of her Abiturabschluss (high school diploma).

Every tree trunk looks like Gettysburg

Lately, on walks, I’ve been struck by the quiet violence endured by trees. Some slow, lurching force has boiled up from their hearts, erupted onto their bark, leaving cracks.   Some cracks are

what is a real friend?

one of my first friends was vicky, a chubby chinese-american girl with pigtails who my mom babysat after school each day. she would ride the bus home with me and spend 1 or